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Старый 28.09.2011, 20:57
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Всем привет, у меня ubuntu 10.04 LTS уже 2 дня =)наткнулся на страшные непонятные надписи, объясните пож дословно, что надо написать в терминале?ЦитироватьBlacklisting mac80211 driver versionIf you have the file rt73usb.ko in the /lib/modules directory tree then you have two options to blacklist it. Failure to do this will mean that the ieee80211 rt73 module described on this page will fail to work properly. Here are the options: * Move the file to another area on your system as follows then do depmod -ae. Move/lib/modules/k#/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.ko to a safe place. The k# and/or other parts of the path will be different for your distribution/system. Use locate 73usb.ko or find /lib/modules -name *73usb* to find the full path. After moving it, do depmod -ae. * Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add blacklist rt73usb as a new line.In both cases, reboot your system afterwards.
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