Россия Вопросы по городам России

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Старый 06.05.2012, 10:51
Аватар для Nastya777
Регистрация на форуме: 02.04.2012
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1.Какие изменения произошли в научном комплексе России за последние 10 лет и чем они вызваны?
2.Каковы перспективы развития дальнейшего развития научного комплекса.Какую роль будут играть технополисы?
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Старый 18.03.2017, 15:16
Аватар для Sid
Sid Sid вне форума
Регистрация на форуме: 18.03.2017
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А уроки кто будет учить?)
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Старый 19.10.2017, 12:33
Аватар для limei4rn2
Регистрация на форуме: 07.02.2015
Возраст: 45
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ils, as long as a coffin and as high as a linen chest — and, in return for this, he receives an iron ticket with a number on it. As he approaches the end of his first installment of travel and while the engine is still working its hardest, a man comes up to him, bearing with him, suspended on a circular bar, an infinite variety of other checks. The traveler confides [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] to this man his wishes, and, if he be going farther without delay, surrenders his check and receives a counter-check in return. Then, while the train is still in motion, the new destiny of the trunk is imparted to it. But another man, with another set of checks, also comes the way, walking leisurely through the train as he performs his work. This is the minister of the hotel-omnibus institution. His business is with those who do not travel beyond the next terminus. To him, if such be your intention, you make your confidence, giving up your tallies, and taking other tallies by way of receipt; and your luggage is afterward found by you in the hall of your hotel. There is [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] undoubtedly very much of comfort in this; and the mind of the traveler is lost in amazement as [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] he thinks of the futile efforts with which he would struggle [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] to regain his luggage were there no such arrangement. Enormous piles of boxes are disclosed on the platform at all the larger stations, the numbers of which are roared forth with quick voice by some two or three railway denizens at once. A modest English voyager, with six or seven small packages, would stand no chance of getting anything if he were left to his own devices. As it is, I am bound to say that the thing is well done. I have had my desk with all my money in it lost for a day, and my black leather bag [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] was on one occasion sent back over the line. They, [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] however, were recovered; and, on the whole, I feel grateful to the check system of the American railways. And then, too, one never hears of extra luggage. Of weight [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] they are quite regardless. On two or three occasions an overwrought official has muttered between his teeth th
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Старый 04.11.2017, 10:25
Аватар для limei6yj0
Регистрация на форуме: 23.02.2015
Возраст: 38
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will come directly to us, as I am sure of my life. Be easy, mamma, you shall see him as far as anything earthly can be promised.’
‘You will write to-night? Oh, Margaret! the post goes out at five — you will write by it, won’t you? I have so few hours left — I feel, dear, [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] as if I should not [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] recover, though sometimes your father over-persuades me into [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] hoping; you will write directly, won’t you? Don’t lose a single post; for just by that very post I may miss him.’
‘But, mamma, papa is out.’
‘Papa is out! and what then? Do you mean that he would deny me this last wish, Margaret? Why, I should not be ill — be dying — if he had not taken me away from Helstone, to this unhealthy, smoky, sunless place.’
‘Oh, mamma!’ said Margaret.
‘Yes; it is so, indeed. He knows it himself; he has said so many a time. He would do anything for me; you don’t mean he would refuse me this last wish — prayer, if you will. And, indeed, Margaret, the longing to see Frederick stands between me and God. I cannot pray till I have this one thing; indeed, I cannot. Don’t lose time, dear, dear Margaret. Write by this very next post. Then he may be here — here in twenty-two days! For he is sure to come. No cords or chains can keep him. In twenty-two days I shall see my boy.’ She fell back, and [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] for a short time she took no notice of the fact that Margaret sat motionless, her hand shading her eyes.
‘You are not writing!’ said her mother at last ‘Bring me some pens and paper; I will try and write myself.’ She sat up, trembling all over with feverish eagerness. Margaret took her hand down and looked at her mother sadly.
‘Only wait till papa comes in. Let us ask him how [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] best to do it.’
‘You promised, Margaret, not a quarter of an hour ago; — you said he should come.’
‘And so he shall, mamma; don’t cry, my own dear mother. I’ll write here, now — you shall see me write — and it shall go by this very post; and if [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] papa [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] thinks fit, he can write again when he come
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Старый 10.11.2017, 21:26
Аватар для limei6yj0
Регистрация на форуме: 23.02.2015
Возраст: 38
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then stopped, so that I sent over to the sequestered spot Lewis had discovered, but the water there had entirely disappeared. Flood managed to shoot a couple of ducks [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] (Teal), of which there were four or five that flew away to the south-east. These two birds were, I may truly say, a God-send, and I beg to assure the reader they were uncommonly good.
From this valley we had to cross the heavy sand ridges which had so fatigued our horses before, and I hardly expected we should find water nearer than the Fish Pond. We therefore started early to get over the distance as soon as possible, and, as on the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] outward journey, had a most severe task of it. The ridges were certainly [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] most formidable, although they were not of [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] such size as those from which we had retreated. At six miles we crossed the salt lagoon, and late in the afternoon descended to the box-tree forest before mentioned, having the grassy plains now upon the left-hand side. The sandy ridges overlooked these plains, so that in riding along we noticed some [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] natives, seven in number, collecting grass [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] seeds upon them, on which alone, it appears to me, they subsist at this season of the year. However, as [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] soon as they saw us, they all ran away in more than usual alarm, perhaps from the recollection of our misunderstanding with Mr. Popinjay. Their presence, however, assured us that there must be water somewhere about, and as on entering the plain, more to the west than before, we struck on a track, I directed Mr. Browne to run it down, who, at about half-a-mile, came to a large well similar to that in the creek on the other side of the Stony Desert, but not of the same dimensions. We had lost sight of him for some little time, when suddenly his horse made his appearance without a rider, and caused me great anxiety for the moment, for my mind immediately reverted to our sulky friend, and my fears were at once raised that my young companion had been speared; riding on, therefore, I came at length to the well, down which, to my inexpressible relief, I saw Mr. Browne,
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